Car accidents are jarring, and if you’re a passenger, your only real line of defense is a seatbelt and an airbag, and even still, you may get seriously injured. Those injured as passengers generally seek financial compensation to help cover the cost of the damages they have incurred as a result. If you have been injured, read on to learn more about your legal options going forward.

How are car accidents caused?

Car accidents are most often caused by negligence, plain and simple. While yes, you can pin certain accidents on either mother nature or a defective car part, most accidents stem from driver negligence. In today’s world, several motorists will not hesitate to take their eyes off the road when they hear their phone “ping,” which, rather obviously, causes many accidents every year. Additionally, speeding and driving under the influence are also significant contributors to car accidents in our country.

How are passengers injured in car accidents?

Since passengers may be subjected to head-on crashes, they are very often severely injured in accidents. The most commonly sustained passenger injuries are as follows:

Can I sue as an injured passenger?

Fortunately, you can. Passengers injured in car accidents, with the help of an experienced attorney, may hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions. However, to prove you were injured due to another party’s negligence, your attorney will have to obtain evidence pertaining to the crash. For example, your attorney may recover dashcam footage of the accident, pictures of the accident’s aftermath, medical documents, police reports, witness testimony, and more.

What is the statute of limitations in Delaware?

The term “statute of limitations” simply refers to the amount of time you have from the date of your accident to file a personal injury claim against another party. The statute of limitations in Delaware is two years. If you wait and do not file within two years, you will most likely lose your right to sue, even if you truly need it. Do not wait. Hire one of our experienced attorneys today.

Contact our experienced Delaware firm

We understand how terrifying an auto accident and its aftermath can be. If you or someone you know was involved in a personal injury accident and wishes to speak with a skilled attorney, contact Delaware Injury Law Firm today.

Delaware Injury Law Firm is comprised of an experienced team of attorneys focusing on legal matters of personal injury, workers’ compensation, Social Security Disability, product liability, and wrongful death in Delaware. If you require an effective attorney to guide you through these difficult legal matters, contact Delaware Injury Law Firm today to schedule a free case evaluation. We are here to help.